Botos László: Még mindig - és meddig még -Trianon
... the Turks for several centuries, (the Turkish occupation of Hungary alone lasted 150 years) with the result that the Hungarian population was decimated. But beyond all this, there is the certainty that demands recognition, that in the world of knowledge, in comparison to the size of her population, she contributed greatly to the culture and civilization of Europe and the world. I ...
2017-05-09 20:43:17
Megdobbentő - és igaz


An important item to read by all Americans/Canadians

This is certainly 'food-for-thought'.

This is very interesting and we all need to read it from start to finish. And send it on to everyone.

Maybe this is why our Ameri...
2016-07-31 12:52:34
Ez történt - Április 19.-én
... delegation was headed by Harold Willis Dodds, and the British delegation was headed by Richard Law. The conference was also attended by Sol Bloom who agreed from the start not to discuss certain issues such as: sending food to the victims, British "Palestine" policy, or negotiation with Axis countries. The conference decided not to adopt any policy for the rescue of European Jewry...
2013-04-19 07:43:04
Cannes - Soderbergh búcsúzik, Polanski visszatér
... majd.
A zárófilm május 26-án Jérome Salle Zulu című alkotása lesz, amely a dél-afrikai apartheid idején játszódik. A főszerepeket Orlando Bloom és Forest Whitaker alakítják.
Az Un Certain Regard (Egy bizonyos nézőpont) elnevezésű második legjelentősebb szekciójában május 16-án kezdődik a verseny Sofia Coppola The Bling Ring című filmjével, amelyben Emma Watson is látha...
2013-04-18 15:03:09
Ez történt - Április 19.-én
... delegation was headed by Harold Willis Dodds, and the British delegation was headed by Richard Law. The conference was also attended by Sol Bloom who agreed from the start not to discuss certain issues such as: sending food to the victims, British "Palestine" policy, or negotiation with Axis countries. The conference decided not to adopt any policy for the rescue of European Jewry...
2012-04-19 15:27:55
Kristallnacht, Nuremberg Laws
... was your basic attitude towards this question?

Goering: This question, which has been so strongly emphasized in the Indictment, forces me under all circumstances to interpose certain statements. After Germany's collapse in 1918 Jewry became very powerful in Germany in all spheres of life, especially in the political, general intellectual and cultural, and, most particu...
2011-11-05 10:12:53
Magyar Adorján elmélete - 16.
... growing region is Zala; its popular name even today is Szala. In Roman times, there was the city of Sala (Szala) in this spot (Kiepert: “Atlas antiquus). The Magyar people call a certain type of grape even today by the name szala. Zolna (a city's name) is the name of the solanum-type, round fruited plant. (The data are endless, but I cannot quote all due to the restrai...
2011-08-11 05:17:47
A magyar népek őstörténete 4
... 219.

Mivel a kusok ilyen feltűnő gyorsasággal olvadtak be a egyiptomiakba, egyes szerzők lehetetlenségnek tartják, hogy az egyiptomi néptől merőben idegenek lettek volna. It is certainly impossible for a foreign people with no previous contact with Egypt to become so completely assimilated into Egypt without leaving a single trace of their own culture. A maúrik (amoritá...
2011-08-09 23:31:55
Magyar Adorján elmélete - 10
... the hands of the Byzantines and the Turks, which we can guess from the later added, scratched inscriptions. This treasure is sometimes called the ,,Atilla treasure". It is for certain, that this is the largest gold treasure in the world.

The large, black dung-beetle (galacsinhajtó bogár) had a great cult among the Kabars. The word bogár (bug) is clearly a Kab...
2011-08-02 07:12:08
Ez történt - Április 19.-én
... delegation was headed by Harold Willis Dodds, and the British delegation was headed by Richard Law. The conference was also attended by Sol Bloom who agreed from the start not to discuss certain issues such as: sending food to the victims, British "Palestine" policy, or negotiation with Axis countries. The conference decided not to adopt any policy for the rescue of European Jewry...
2011-04-19 07:32:32
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Címkék: Botos László, Nuremberg Laws, Magyar Adorján, MUSLIMS BE GOOD AMERICANS, Harold Willis Dodds, Richard Law, European Jewry, Jérome Salle Zulu, Orlando Bloom, Forest Whitaker, Certain Regard, Sofia Coppola The Bling Ring, Emma Watson, After Germany, magyar népek, zárófilm május, dél-afrikai apartheid, főszerepeket Orlando, bizonyos nézőpont, verseny Sofia, certain type, kusok ilyen, egyiptomi néptől, foreign people, single trace, great cult, lehetetlenségnek, legjelentősebb, circumstances, galacsinhajtó, kristallnacht, egyiptomiakba, inscriptions, gyorsasággal, főszerepeket, szekciójában, civilization, intellectual, interesting, megdobbentő, recognition, contributed, őstörténete, assimilated, negotiation, comparison, delegation, population, emphasized, occupation, conference, elnevezésű, byzantines, completely, indictment, impossible, soderbergh, especially, statements, certainly, canadians, palestine, sometimes, scratched, americans, knowledge, nuremberg, important, political, visszatér, játszódik,
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